...am kommenden 07.Oct finden weltweit ...27 WeighOff`s !!!

Ich denke mal, das sich das bisher ja etwas "schiefe" Bild dann relativieren dürfte....

Ich bin gespannt. Ja und vielleicht gibts ja auch heute Abend schon ne Überraschung in LB. Stefano kommt wohl wieder mit einem noch nicht gewogenen Kürbis.Last night, Amber and I visited friend @travispumpkins. Travis has been growing since our days growing and has an incredible streak of being one of the very top growers in the world. He holds the US record at 2560 pounds. He has another monster this year. He is headed to California to get it weighed. This pumpkin not only has a chance at a new US record but also World Record (2702). We haven't grown for a few years, and even to me as a former grower, this pumpkin is mind blowing. So the growers want to know. How's it thump? Mostly like oak. This beast is going to put a big number on the scale for a world class grower and world class guy. Congrats Trav.
PS there is an even bigger one in Minnesota. If you want to see it, be in Stillwater for Harvestfest on October 14th. Possibly the biggest ever grown. But only weight matters. Another world-class grower and world-class guy.
WORLD RECORD PUMPKIN!? A big congratulations to Travis Gienger of Anoka, who weighed a new World Record, 2749-pound pumpkin yesterday in California! Could another #beastbelurking in grower, Charlie Bernstrom’s patch in Northern Minnesota? Could he be bringing a new World Record on Saturday to #stillwaterharvestfest?? Charlie's pumpkin is measuring over 20 feet around, BIGGER than ANY grown in the WORLD so far!
Charlie is coming down to Stillwater, with his whole family, including his 3 daughters. Charlie's daughter, Briar named the pumpkin coming down on Saturday, Joy!
So come on down, see Joy for yourself and experience the joy that is #StillwaterHarvestFest! No matter the outcome, it's always a #SmashingGoodTime!!
A little Q&A with Charlie:
Q: How long have you been growing?
A: this is my 11th year growing and 8th time going to Stillwater Harvest Fest. We were lucky enough to win in 2020!
Q: What is the largest you have grown so far?
A: My personal best is 2131 pounds weighed in Altoona, WI at the River Prairie Ginormous Pumpkin Festival in 2023.
Q: When did you start your seeds this year?
A: I started my seeds on April 20, and put them outside on April 26th.
Q: Do you grow your pumpkins outside or indoors?
A: I grow two plants inside a greenhouse and two plants outside.
Q: What is your estimation on your biggest pumpkin this year?
A: The pumpkin we are bringing to Stillwater Harvest Fest is estimated at over 2540 pounds. It's almost 20.5 FEET in circumference! It gained 63 pounds per day for almost 2 weeks at its peak growing!
He hasn't weighed the pumpkin yet, so we will all watch the scale together on Saturday! We cannot wait to see this giant and to see all of you!!