Die Suche ergab 1238 Treffer

Sa 26. Jul 2014, 16:39
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

1623 with a soft blossom always a losing battle but I will not give up. Greenhouse heater and Martina's hair dryer :)

Mi 23. Jul 2014, 09:04
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

1623.5 Wallace Day 30 Team-Pumpkin enhanced estimate 195-232 lbs


1789 Wallace Day 20, slow but steady

Sa 19. Jul 2014, 18:50
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

So, we are going through a heat wave hear. 96 degrees F outside, inside the greenhouses about 120. Lost lots of leaves, even a retiree can't water enough. I need for all of Team-Pumpkin to wish me the best, sorta like the train that could.
Fr 18. Jul 2014, 09:09
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

1623.5 Wallace Day 25. Never got the 6” gains I expected, but it is steady.


1789 Wallace Day 15. Slow start, I actually thought it had aborted on day 10.

Mo 14. Jul 2014, 13:46
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Kuerbisfan 2014
Antworten: 136
Zugriffe: 77932

Kuerbisfan 2014


Gute Besserung. Ich glaube du hast dieses jahr so viel rein gesteckt dass dein kuerbisse werden weiter gut wachsen waeren dein auszeit!

So 13. Jul 2014, 19:05
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

Pain is only temporary but victory is forever. Go Germany! Bring the cup back to the land of beer and bratwurst!

So 13. Jul 2014, 09:16
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

1623.5 Wallace, I need to get a smaller hat :)

Sa 12. Jul 2014, 10:05
Forum: Off-Topic / Quassel-Ecke
Thema: Fussball Laberthread
Antworten: 355
Zugriffe: 209549

Fussball Laberthread

Sonntag abend werde ich ein bier in ein hand haben und ein handtuch in die andere. der bier zum jubeln und der handtuch zum weinen.
Di 8. Jul 2014, 12:00
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

Day 15 and the daily circumference increase is at 5 inches, hoping to get 6-7 inches per day soon.

Sa 5. Jul 2014, 10:49
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

1623.5 Wallace, really like the shape, starting to pick up the growth pace.

Do 3. Jul 2014, 14:45
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

Crossed the 1789 Wallace with the 1623.5 Wallace today, a 5 lobe pumpkin.

Day 10 circumference of the 1623.5 is 22", not the greatest, but last year my 1061 lb was only at 17.5" on day 10 so everything is okay.
Di 1. Jul 2014, 14:43
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

Plan A is looking good. Day 8 and the circumference is already at last years day 10.
Mo 30. Jun 2014, 10:03
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

1623.5 Wallace - Plan A is 7 days old now and doing okay.


1623.5 Wallace - Plan B is a 6 lobe 1623.5 x self pollinated today.

Mi 25. Jun 2014, 15:21
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

Paper mill fabric is in place, everything is looking good, wish me luck.

Di 24. Jun 2014, 13:54
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

Today I positioned the vines so that I have a perfect landing position for the one I want as keeper, now I just need to lay down the paper mill fabric.
Mo 23. Jun 2014, 09:23
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

Pollinated 3 pumpkins 1623.5 x self today, in a week I'll pick the keeper. All are perfect 5 lobers

So 22. Jun 2014, 13:55
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

1623.5 Wallace, now covering about 60 qm., I have 4 pumpkins that will be ready in 1-2 days.


1789 Wallace, covering about 25 qm., not sure why it is so much slower than the 1623.5

Do 12. Jun 2014, 10:01
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

1623.5 Wallace started out to be a classic xmas tree pattern but then some fat idiot broke off the tip of the main vine now it is turning into a box pattern. It has 2 nice looking pumpkins on the 8th and 9th side vines so the idiot with the fat fingers might get lucky after all. [pma:ebebb31210]7255...
Mo 9. Jun 2014, 14:56
Forum: Riesenkürbisse 2014
Thema: Owen - The Year Retired
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 29230

Owen - The Year Retired

54 degrees celsius in the greenhouses


1789 Wallace doing ok in the heat

So 8. Jun 2014, 12:40
Forum: Tagebücher Diskussion
Thema: Where have all the growers gone?
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 13383

Where have all the growers gone?

Obwohl es gibt einige tagebuecher hier, es ist offensichltlich das einige fehlen. Ich will nicht namen nennen, der list wird einfach zu lang. Was meint ihr warum? Haben viele aufgehoert? Haben die den spass an zuechten verloren? Wollen die beim weighoff alle ueberuschen? Wollen die keine geheimnisse...

Zur erweiterten Suche